Wednesday, October 10, 2007


prayer has been quite a mystical topic for me for most of my life. i've played around with it from time to time, not really understanding what i was doing or what good it was doing, but believing that somehow, despite it all, it was helping, in some way.

i was reading from this book last night about benedictine spirituality. this nun that is of the benedictine order offers her commentary on prayer like this:

prayer is about standing in the presence of God & listening with a radically open heart...observing the offices marked the rhythm of the day from dawn to deepest night. this was a way of remembering one's utter dependence upon God.

in fact, i've been learning that prayer isn't supposed to be lofty, wordy, or long. that moment where you are still. that's prayer. that's prayer according to my friend don. he knows a thing or two about prayer too.

so i lit a candle last night. for my neighborhood. for peace throughout the world. for wisdom of how i can help redeem God's world. and i prayed in a *prayer* chapel. for the first time. i was aware of the bells ringing at the Basilica calling God's people to prayer. it was beautiful. it was peaceful. it was good.

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