I'm not one much for conflict, yet "it" seems to find me where ever I go. Not literally, but some days that's how it feels. I thought I was accomplishing something huge in my maturity as a Christian by not fleeing from conflict but facing it head on. Well, there's something to be said about confrontation versus conflict. Confrontation is necessary to reach reconciliation. Conflict is not necessary and is in fact a detriment to The Body. St. Benedict says we are to purposefully not seek out conflict in our lives. He takes peacemaking and keeping very seriously. As do I.
I'm an intuitive person and can sense where my part can be to "keep the peace" and am generally pretty good at defusing situations. It's when I see that exit and choose to not take it that things get HOT. I can ream with the best of 'em and have been called lots of nasty things in my life when I've not heeded the whisper in my spirit that says, "Gentleness, Kindness, Self-Control." Some days that is my mantra the whole day. I should set it to a Gregorian Chant so my girls can hum it when stress comes there way, as it most definitely will.
Sounds pretty cool, Jodi. C mentioned you were thinking about the priesthood too? Sweet! When shall we have dinner and discuss?
(by the way, I've joined nerdyville. I'm not an experienced writer, just a newbie. Be kind.)
huh? Are you planning to start a blog?
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