Thursday, September 6, 2007

Camping 101

So, I've been *processing* how exactly to put into words our latest camping experience for all my readers (you three have been pestering me about this for weeks). What I've come up with is a list of why not to take your 2 year old and 4 month old camping whilst trying to *relax*.

10. They get really dirty
9. They get really cranky
8. The two year old thinks she's a big kid and doesn't need to go to bed or take naps
7. The two year old feels so *safe* in this environment that she'll run off down to the water in less than 20 seconds, while you're changing the 4 month old's poopy diaper.
6. Cleaning up poop while camping is gross
5. Diaper rashes love "no bath" days and fester like mad on your little one's bottoms
4. Relaxation just doesn't happen, for anyone.
3. You have to bring two vans full of equipment just to help keep them safe and warm in the elements.
2. 2:00 a.m. demands for nummies make a person crazy (Christian shut his thumb in the van door while fetching one of these nummies for Mo at 1:30 a.m. because we'd put all the food in their to keep away the raccoons).
1. It's just too much work (packing, maintaining, unpacking) for such a short lived vacation. And a bonus, it took three days to soak all the dirt out of Momo's feet from the experience!

Do I sound like a *bah-humbug*? Well, that may be, but for our sanity, mine and my husband's, it's going to be a long time before we return to the great outdoors with our little ones. It may just -become a mom & dad get away most of the time and a once a year thing with the girls till they're older (like 12!)


Amy :) said...


Oh, that doesn't sound fun! :( But I have good news... it *does* get easier as they get bigger! :)

Last year, we bought a pop-up camper and I have to say, *that* was so nice! :) It was kind of like being at home away from home, up off the dirt. But we sold it this year before our move, and are back to tent camping once more.

Tent camping is much easier when the youngest child is three and the older ones can kinda keep themselves clean, for the most part. (And help keep an eye on said youngest child!)

I think my least favorite age for camping is when they are crawling, not yet walking. They want to be on the ground all the time, but it's SO dirty! And they want to stick branches & icky things in their mouth, too! Definitely *not* relaxing!!

Ah, it will get better, though...
Amy :)

Evergreen Covenant Admin said...

you should go with us next year! our kids will entertain mo by then. and then there will be 4:5 ratio, instead of 2:2. Oh, wait. That is worse, isn't it?!
I still think you would have more fun if you went with other people. Then you would have someone to complain to.

Jodi said...

Hmm. In theory that was what we did. I mean that's why we went with another couple with other kids. But in was just so much work and not very fun and I think I'm still cleaning out the dirt behind Mo's ears.
P.S. Karla, Momo has been painting a lot! She loves it! Thanks for the inspiration.

Jodi said...

I didn't mean to sound like we won't go camping with you guys next year. We'd absolutely love to. We just know it will be a lot of work and we won't get much sleep...but the goal is to get them to like it so we can enjoy it again someday:) hehe

CMort said...

hahahah. i love this! now i dont feel so bad that we denied going camping with you guys every other weekend for the last few years. now you know! we love you guys, when can we get together again?

Sarah Magnolia said...

Allow me to add my wholehearted AMEN to this entire post. I've had my share of camping with my three girls. Wheatland music festival wasn't so bad. True camping in the woods? No thanks. A week to prepare, three days to pack, a day and a half of camping and another week and a half to get everything back to where it all should be.

In fact, the last time we went camping with our girls was back in May. We went to the midwest HCBB gathering here in Kansas. Zoe was 5, Abigail 3 and Madeline 1. Last week, I finally washed the last bit of clothes that had been waiting in the basement for the ticks to die. I still have two large blankets yet unlaundered nearly six months later.

I believe twelve years old is a good age.

Jodi said...

Hey Sarah, Thanks for visiting. This is like my welcome:) I think 12 will be a fabulous age to camp with them. Although, I may have just booked one for next spring with some friends of ours who have five kids (last two are twins)! I'm crazy...I know.