Scary doesn't even describe what happened with me yesterday. From about 3:30 a.m. (Tuesday) till 12:30pm I kept waiting for the baby to move. Nothing was happening. Not when I changed positions, walking, eating, nothing. Then just after 10 a.m. I felt a little teeny tiny movement...once. Then not again till an hour after lunch. Needless to say I started to worry because this child has been notorious for keeping me awake all hours of the night, uncomfortable all day, etc. because she moves and shakes and hiccups so much. When I called my Doctor's office to see if this was normal, she said she'd like me to come in for a "non stress test". That's where they hook your belly up to two monitors: one for the baby's heartbeat & movements and the other for contractions of the uterus. After about 20 minutes and numerous attempts for the nurse to "wake" her...she turned the machine off and said, "that should be enough for the doc to see what's going on."
Then I had an ultra sound done because my measurements weren't exactly par with my dates the last few visits: which last time meant my amniotic fluid was low.
I return to the examination room much later to be joined shortly by my Doctors' colleague (because she was on vacation) who declared everything looked good!
I said, "but I didn't feel any movements!" She said there just isn't enough room so she's just slowing down or she's "resting" up for the big day. but that she's definately moving and her heart rate looks good with each movement.
She said her growth looks great and my fluid is normal so we're all set to continue on with plans for a VBAC when I go into labor!
That night around 9:30p.m. she started moving again and hasn't really stopped since then! Little stinker must have just been tuckered out. Scarred me half to death though!
Amazing how something so small can cause such unrest in your heart until you find out for sure. At least, that's how I seem to work.
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