I've heard women talk about how this last part of pregnancy is the most challenging. Emotionally and physically. I'm beginning to understand why, now. As I count down the days to my estimated due date, which has come back either the 14th or 15th of May in all my ultra sounds, I am feeling worse every day.
Not worse like poor me, just achier, more pressure, less energy, moodier, but also more excited about meeting her, etc. I find my self struggling with patience mostly. Patience that God knew what he was doing when he knit me together and that he designed my body to birth this baby a certain way. I'm excited to feel labor, urges to push her out, and minister to those who come into contact with me that natural childbirth after cesarean is not only possible but preferable. Now, hopefully I won't be eating those words. If so, oh well. At least I got to find out for myself. Which, consequently happens to be how I learn best. :~(
Hopefully my next post will include pictures of the beautiful child inside me, outside! And maybe some family shots if we can get little momo to cooperate:)
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