Pregnancy can be such a bitter sweet thing. On the one hand you have me, 31 weeks gestation knowing the likelihood of my getting to bring home a healthy newborn in 9 weeks is huge. On the other hand you have people like my friend A. Who after 2 healthy births, one still birth, and three miscarriages just found out she's expecting again only to find spotting not even a week later followed by heavy bleeding. What does that mean, some of you may ask? That means she has not had three miscarriages, she's now experiencing her fourth.
We stood together this morning embracing as we cried trying to wrap our minds around this tragedy. The hopeful anticipation she had for only a week, the peace she seeks to understand and heal, the hope she has that one day her womb will accept another baby so her and her husband can fulfill their dreams of having 3 or 4 children!
Then, a few hours later I'm walking around the block with our kids and feel a really strong "balling up" of my uterus. "What is this," I ask myself? I look at my watch, recall that I still have at least 7 weeks before "contractions" should start, and take a deep breath. It passes after about 5-10 minutes then I get another one about 20 minutes later. My thoughts move into the future when I really will be in labor and timing contractions. What will I be doing when they start? Now I'm just witnessing this alien move my stomach and it feels weird!
So that's why I think pregnancy can be bitter sweet: I mourn for the loss of my friend's baby and excitedly anticipate the birth of my own.
That's SO sad about your friend having another miscarriage. :( It just doesn't seem fair sometimes, does it?
Hey, I don't know if you already knew this, but drinking LOTS of water helps with keeping contractions at bay until it's time for baby to be born. I was told a gallon a day, more when it's hot out.
I don't know if you knew it or not, but my last two pregnancies, I had lots of preterm contractions. Drinking the water helped LOTS for me!
I will be thinking of & praying for your friends.
Amy :)
Hey, thanks, I didn't know that. I will increase my intake. I see my M.D. on Friday and will let her know about them.
Thanks for carrying my baby for me. I couldn't do it on my own. Literally.
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