Friday, March 9, 2007

Two More Months!

I'm just about 31 weeks gestation (or 8 1/2 months pregnant). In the pregnancy world that doesn't mean much because babies will come when they're ready...but in my world that means I have just over 9 weeks left till I meet my baby girl Justice Rayne. My back is achy from arching to make more room for her in my abdomen, my upper back is achy from the weight of my engorging soon-to-be feeding devises, and my feet ache from carrying all this extra weight around. I'm tired most days now, my nose is almost always congested, and I have an insatiable thirst for liquid (mostly water).
On the other hand, I love to feel my little girl moving around inside my belly. I'm learning her wake and sleeping patterns and can tell when she is startled or excited that I just ate something yummy:)
The impending birth of another child has consequently inspired me to spend some time looking back at some photos from when our first daughter, Momo, was born. It's hard to believe we're doing this again so soon, but we are! I wonder if she will at all look like her big sister, who is a spitting image of her papa (looks and personality). Or will she look and act more like me? Who knows, but it's really fun to think about.
I was making a list today (experts have termed this behavior the "final stretch frenzy") of all the things we still need to get together before her arrival. Most of the things we already have from when Momo was born, but some of those things we're still using for Momo! Like her crib and sheets, changing table, etc. I have another crib and changing table from Christian's sister, thankfully, but we just have to figure out where we're going to put it! Montana's room is barely big enough for her crib, changing table and dresser, I can't imagine having two girls' stuff in there! (the room is maybe 7'x7')
I also wonder what life is going to be like in a few months when we have Justice home with us trying to meld her into our existing life with her big sister Montana. I've wondered about this since I found the positive pregnancy test, but now my curiosity is turning into serious day-dreaming. Last night we were babysitting some friends' of ours two kids (so there were three kids altogether) and the routine from dinner prep to bedtime to cleanup took THREE HOURS!!!!!! Are you serious? Is this what we're in for? I assured my husband that there is NO WAY the kids bedtime routines will take longer than two minutes after bath and changing into p.j.'s (meaning the routine of book-reading, singing lullabies, praying, rocking, etc.) I just don't have the energy to do that every night! Then I think about one of my friends who has five kids, what is her daily life like? Or my other friend who has three kids under 7 and twins due next week! What will her life look like?
Busy! That's what it is! For the next 5-10 years my life is going to be CRAMMED with diaper changing, bathing, toileting, feeding, carpooling, battles over control, and teaching "right" behavior. Not to mention managing the household duties of cleaning, bills, cooking, laundry, etc. It's a good thing I like lists and organization...otherwise I think I'd have to check myself into a mental institution for signing up for this job.
Now all I have to do is implement my brilliant ideas about organization and motivate myself to actually get off my duff and DO them, so our life will run smoothly and we'll have the perfect, harmonious family we've always dreamed of having and knew we could have if we just stuck to our guns! (oh, please, sense my VERY thick sarcasm)
Well, my back is achy from sitting here like this and I need to lye down. Peace out for now!


CMort said...

you forgot on your list making sure your husband is happy. you had better add that. cause you know, when he aint happy, nobody happy. (christian, you can thank me over a beer)

Jodi said...

Chad, Chad, Chad,
Christian IS happy:) I don't have to put him on the list if he's on my mind 24/7, silly!
Did you see I wrote about you guys? I love you both.

journey of the discontent said...

I am sooo glad you are gonna do all those things. I just don't think I'd be able to help out with any of them. After-all, if you could keep your hands off me we wouldn't be in this situation to begin with.