To pack...
To move...
To celebrate the Anniversary of Montana's Baptism ...
To celebrate my father-in-law's 60th birthday...
To reflect on the last 5 years in this house...
To reflect on the last 3 1/2 years of life with kids...
To wonder what God has in store for the next 5 years...
the next year...
the next month...
it's a great day to just pause, even though everything inside me is telling me to push on and finish the job.

She's not feeling at the top of her game today.
I celebrate the vows I took on her behalf three years ago anyway.
I celebrate the journey she is now on.
The journey of living the God life.
The journey of pursuing love of humankind over love of selfish pursuits.
The journey toward upside down kingdom building and being a co-creator of a better world to love God in.
The journey of reconciliation, redemption, regeneration.
The journey of living out life the way Jesus teaches through scripture and the Church's tradition.
The journey of being a part of a movement that has changed the world.
The journey of treating everyone as a child of God, respecting our environment so we can leave it better for the next generation to serve God in, to serve God's people to the best of her ability by taking care of herself and those whom God puts in her path.
I'm so happy God gave me you to be my first born.
I'm so glad God chose me to be your mama.
May you grow knowing that the love of God is deeper, wider, longer, higher, lower, and closer than any other love on earth.
May you grow to love God and his bride with a passion that survives cynicism, with a hope that endures skepticism, and a longing for Truth that transcends our deepest lies.
I love you Montana Skye Baron, but I know there is one who loves you more and you were his before your home was in my womb, before your smile graced my life, before your hugs warmed our bed, and before your friendship touched everyone you meet.
Happy Anniversary!
Wow Jodi, what a beautiful post! You brought tears to my eyes. You have a heart of gold and a beautiful family.
Aw, Jodi, that was just lovely. I hope Mo sees this somehow when she's older.
ps. I miss you and Christian.
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