Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I'm leaving...

Yes. In less than 48 hours I will be heading down south. Deep south. To Lousianna, New Orleans to be specific. I am one of over 30 volunteers from the Diocese of Western Michigan who will be lending a helping hand to rebuilding the city after the devastating hurricane Katrina hit over 4 years ago.
As I prepare for this 9 day mission trip, I reflect on what that hurricane has done and continues to do to so many people. And way up here, in breezy Western Michigan? We don't even remember what year Katrina hit. It's never on the news anymore. The thousands of people who are still displaced, not able to return to their family home...more than four years after the fact.
It makes me feel guilty, sometimes.
Living here, having my kitchen remodeled while I type on my computer and my kids are sleeping sound in the next room.
Or when "things" like Meyanmar happen! What the heck?
I heard on the news today that officials are estimating the death toll to reach 100,000 people. That's the whole entire city of Grand Rapids! And their government won't let foreign aid experts in to help st0p the toll from rising.
Why aren't more people outraged by this type of paranoia? Why aren't more people rising up to save the citizens of this country whom their government has, essentially, abandoned?
My grandparents lost pretty much everything they had accumulated in their 55+ years of marriage when Ivan hit central Florida 5 years ago. They had to start completely over at age 75 and 80.
I hope our efforts in New Orleans are well received and that the kingdom of God is glorified through our hands and feet. May we honor and respect the lives and possessions of God's children in New Orleans while trying to put a few pieces of their shattered lives back together.
P.S. Pray for Christian and the girls while I'm gone. Pray that they will enjoy the company of my dear father who came up from Florida to help while I'm away. Pray they will remember to pray for their mama and wife who will miss them incredibly.

1 comment:

journey of the discontent said...

Day 1 is in the books. things went well but I only slep for 2 hours and ended up stressing about the work being done in the kitchen. It's done now other than a few final touches and it looks nice.

I hope your trip is going well and that you are able to be personally impacted as well as help assist folks who need help. I love you and miss you already.