My journey with knitting began almost 10 years ago (mixed in with an attempt to crochet also) when I decided to pick it up one day after declaring I was done smoking. I got some yarn from my mom and a couple needles and asked someone how to cast on. That only lasted about a week (the knitting that is). But I didn't learn how to cast it was bound to be a really long scarf it I kept it up. So for everyone's best interest I sat the needles down.
Next time I picked up needles was two years ago. I held onto all that yarn and never did a thing with it! We were visiting our friends Sid & Kate and Kate was knitting a baby afghan for a friend of hers. A flicker of interest lit and I asked her to teach me. She lent me (which I still have Kate if you're reading) a pair of her needles and gave me two colors of yarn and told me to just knit, pearl till it's done. It took me a year but I finished that scarf! It was my first finished product. I gave it to my friend Beth whom I love very much.
Unfortunately, I sat my needles down and didn't pick them up again until about 7 months ago. I decided that I would make us some kitchen cloths with a pattern my friend Amy gave me. I almost finished one before Gretchen was born a few weeks later, but didn't. So there this knitting bag sat. Full of yarn, needles, and hope. For 5 months.
Then this friend of mine, Kim, was knitting a "Prayer Shawl" and I was enamored. She got me the pattern and told me what size needles to get. I excitedly ran to the store and purchased my very own size 15 needles. No messing around with this buggar! I mean business. These needles are huge! They're probably considered lethal weapons in some areas. Anyway, I started knitting one for a friend of mine on this hippie christian bulletin board I'm a marginal member of ( Bee Ye Glad). Shortly after I began that project is when my G.G. died. She was an avid knitter. This last year (2007) she knit 14 afghans before she passed away. That's like over 1 a month. It's going to take me over a month to finish a SHAWL, and an afghan uses at least twice, if not three times the yarn! Amazing! It wasn't a competition for her. She simply loved to knit. She loved to give her creations to family. I have multiple knitted creations from her myself. I am suspecting it was part of what kept her mind so fit to the very end, that and hand writing letters and signing cards to all her children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and even great-great-grandchildren!
It seems though, ever since my Great Grandma died about a month ago, I can't stop knitting. I finished a kitchen cloth, finally! and am into my first shawl (over a 1/3 of the way done) and have plans for lots more projects. I don't know what it is. I'm sure there are plenty of other children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren who spent more time with her that could have picked up her trademark past-time, but for some reason I feel compelled to make it a past time of mine.
It's very contemplative for me. I spend lots of time thinking, processing, praying, dreaming. I'm a thinker anyway, but this is a way to keep me busy while I'm drifting off into where-ever-land. Hee hee.
It really has become a minor obsession of mine. I found myself thinking the other day, "how long until I can knit again?" and, "What should I work on next?" or, "Who should I give this next ____ to?"
Christian commented to me the other day to stop trying to impress him with how fast I was knitting. I thought, "Sheesh, I'm slow compared to my G.G!"
At any rate, her love for knitting has manifested itself into my hands, at least for now. And I remember her each time I look at the work my hands are making and I praise God for this craft and for my G.G. and for people's appreciation, or lack there of, this wonderful hand-craft.
This is awesome. I just learned to knit last month and haven't been able to stop. I mean, I forced myself to Put. The. Needles. DOWN. over Thanksgiving, lest I completely ignore our entire family, but that's the longest I've Not-Knitted since I learned. You can look up instructional videos on youtube, ya know. That's where I learned to cast-off, haha. I've completed 4.5 scarves so far, but haven't tried anything else... Hey - maybe when I'm done with finals we can do a trade!!!!!!!!
ha! that's funny. i found a website for knitting help but haven't tried youtube. I'd love to do some kinda trade...keep in touch:)
Hi Jodi,
How fun that you're knitting so much! I knitted Naomi a baby blanket with squares of different stitches, different patterns. I like how it turned out, but it took FOREVER to complete it.
I started it in my first trimester, and didn't finish it until her 2nd birthday!! (A few things happened there in the middle of all of that, so I wasn't knitting most of that time.)
I learned to crochet when I was a kid, and used to make stuffed horses and things like that. I picked up a crochet hook again when I was on bedrest during my pregnancy for Jesse. He *loves* his "special blanket" and carries it all over the place.
My sister-in-law and her daughter have been crocheting fiends lately! They are constantly working on something. I've been thinking of picking up a crochet hook or knitting needles sometime soon... we shall see...
Amy :)
Cheers to hand made lovies all over the world! Yeah. I hope you do. Christian still thinks it's an addiction of mine. Although, I have to learn the continental knitting/pearling method because my tendinitis is going crazy on this project. I've had to put it down for a few days to let my hand rest. Erg. I'm going to go pick them up right now though. Wish me luck.
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