this has been an amazing week...i can't believe it's Saturday night already! I spent more time in prayer this week then possibly ever, thanks to my friends over at the Boiler Room who invited me to join them in a week of "unbroken prayer". hmm. that sounds interesting, i thought to myself. i checked out the calender of time slots that were open and MWF were open from 3-4, and child care was provided so even if Christian had a meeting or what-have-you i could still go. I've been challenged to spend more time in prayer each week. last week it was just 20 minutes a day, that's all i asked for. i got it too...i was amazed at how many 20 minute segments of time i had throughout the day that instead of wasting it on the computer i could be sitting in the lap of God. how beautiful, eh?
you're probably wondering what's up with the title. well, I'm getting there (just ask my dh, i am not capable of getting to the point in less than 500 words). anyway, i digress.
my week was amazing. full of lots of emotions and lots of obstacles and lots of blessings. one of the things I'm learning to do through this vocational discernment program is to listen attentively, and live reflectively. in reading one of the blogs i frequent daily i was encouraged to reflect on what my time at the boiler room was like. i obeyed, like the good little rule-follower i am, and then i returned a few times to see if anyone else had posted. upon one of my returns i was encouraged by someone else's reflections. i clicked on her blog address, as she invited us to read her more in depth reflection there, and something caught my eye that inspired this post.
edited to say: this is in no way a slam on this person's faith, blog, or anyone who agrees with this, it's just simply something i got to thinking about and wanted to blog on.
so, at the top left of this person's blog there's this widget that encourages you to click on it. It reads, "Are you ready?" Hmm. ready for what? I think to myself...not at all thinking for that brief moment where this rabbit hole (thanks Keith) would take me...and so i click.
"OH, NO!" I say OUT LOUD (I'm home alone, the kids are asleep, husband is at Cedar Point of all places). I watch for a minute. Then I start to think, "who gives the bad news first?" Really when you stop to think about it, when someone says, "Well peeps, I've got good news and I've got bad news, which do you want to hear first?" do they opt for the bad news first? Not me (unless it's christian because then i know the good news will be really good) but most of the time i say "Good news!" not on this blogging tract. Noooooooo. It goes into page after page of what a *hitty person i am and how I'm going to die (no news there, we're all going to die it's just a matter of how and when, right?). anyway, after all this hell and damnation FINALLY the good news is given. Sheesh. That took forever! Kind of like my story telling, I'm sure. I just wonder if that's what Jesus meant when he told his disciples to go to the ends of the earth and preach the good news. what say you?
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