Tuesday, December 19, 2006

virgin conception

All this recent talk about Mark Driscoll prompted me to check out his blog and his church's website. He had a little mp3 of a sermon he gave on why Jesus' mom had to be a virgin. His conclusion was that in order for Jesus to also be fully God he couldn't be conceived in "sin" (I'm assuming he was referring to the conception being prior to the wedding consummation of Mary and Joseph???). I've heard other people discuss this topic and almost get thrown out of their church for raising such questions. I don't know much about theology or even the bible...only what I've read and the commentators of the versions I've read have said. I wonder what some of you more "scholarly" folk have to say on the matter. Please pontificate with me.


White Rabbit said...

so, this has nothing to do with your post, but i read your profile awhile ago, and we like the same stuff....like (i used to listen to , but haven't in a long time) Phish and I love, love, love the Indigo Girls and Fried Green Tomatoes, and Anne Lamott is my favorite author, so.....I put Motorcycle Diaries and My Left Foot on my Netflix (because I haven't seen either of those), and we just watched My Left Foot last night. Keith and i liked it alot.
You've got good taste, i must say! :)
Karla, signed in as Keith cuz I can't remember my password.

journey of the discontent said...

Are you trying to say that Mary wasn't a virgin when she got impreganated by the Holy Spirit? As I have told Keith before, The founding fathers of this country started America and we need to remember that. Sin is Sin if you ask me.

Motorcycle diaries is a great film too.

I believe in the virgin birth don't don't mind if others don't. I wonder what I believe more strongly in: 1. Mary was a virgin, or 2. I think that Prime Rin is delicious.

I've got to go with the Prime Rib-- It IS delicious.

I had a good time with you up north this weekend. It was fun to watch Mo being Mo. She is so funny.

Jodi said...

prime rin? I like prime rib too but what's prime rin?
Karla, glad we have much in common, it'll make conversation over dinner much less awkward:) I'm really glad you guys liked My Left Foot...it's a beautiful story way underappreciated, in my opinion.