Tuesday, December 19, 2006


the quality of being just, impartial, or fair b (1) : the principle or ideal of just dealing or right action. conformity to truth, fact, or reason.
Christian and I have a lot of thoughts on this word. So many thoughts that we've decided to name our next child Justice. We may be setting the poor lad up for a world of discontent but we are definitely pursuers of justice in our lives and think the virtues Miriam-Webster states are worthy to name our little one after. the quality of being just, impartial, or fair. Who wouldn't want to be remembered as that? Or the principle or ideal of just dealing or right action? How can one go wrong with that? and if our son/daughter is going to conform to anything, why not have it be to truth, fact, and reason?
We'll find out the Friday after New Year's if Justice will be a boy or girl. The Chinese Lunar Gender Predictor says it's going to be a boy. I think so too. But I have no reason why.


journey of the discontent said...

The "reason why" is because the Lord came to me in a dream. A floating hand wrote on the wall that Justice will come in the form of a male. He will learn to play the hand drum and the marraccas.

Jodi said...

why the marraccas? why can't he learn to sing like his big sister?